Goooooooooo Knights!!!

Posts tagged “Video

SFK Kendall Knights 3 – 0 Allstars (Friendly Match)

SFK Kendall Knights 3 – 0 Allstars (Friendly Match)

The team performance on Wednesday’s friendly match against Allstarts was great. We passed the ball properly, the team scored three goals (Pierre, Melissa and Ian) and we had fun with this friendly game.

Congratulations to the team and check out the top scorers table on the right side of the blog —–>

Julian’s awesome shot!


Jose + Ian shooting

Second Game – SFK 1 – 2 Global

Second game of the season. We played against Global.  Our team had a lack of organization on the first half and made some mistakes that costs us the match. On the second half, the team tried harder to play as we had become doing it, but there was not enough time to tie the game.

Here are the videos of this game.

First Game – SFK 1 – 0 Jogo Bonito

First game of the season. We played against Jogo Bonito, even-though we won, we did not performed at our best.  If we want to be the champions we need to make our best effort, give it our best and fight for each ball. We need to play better as a team and we will work on that during this weeks’ practice.

See you today at practice and here are the videos of the game as well as Melissa’s goal.

The play where we scored starts at Min. 1:32 with a throw in from Julian to Samuel, he passes it to Melissa, she shoots and scores!

Here’s more video footage of the game!

Ian and Coach Armando practicing before the game! Nice Shoot Ian!!!